Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Hi, Readers!
You may have noticed that I haven't blogged in a while, because I've been busy, but I just want to let you know that there will be another blog post by Memorial Day. In the Works are pieces about Mean Girls, Anastasia, On a Clear Day, Fiddler in Yiddish, and possibly Bernhardt/Hamlet. Here's a preview.
... Henningsen shines, and although she has been criticized for seeming fake, I think she seems very real. She gets to shine in her song "It Roars", and although she's not quite as good as she is on the cast album, some of the projections make this more effective than it would be otherwise. (e.g., a fake "plane" from Africa to America) The part where she feels awkward is represented convincingly as a dance metaphor. She shows the journey to power very well, and make you sympathize with Cady, even when she becomes "a clone" of Regina. "Stupid With Love", while not containing the best lyrics, is a fun song, if a bit bland. here you can see a bit what is meant by her "thin emotion", but really, what opportunities does that song really give? "More is Better", a totally forgettable song, almost the opposite of an "I want" song, more of an "I got" song...
Remember to check back on Labor Day!

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